Whitehead and the History of Philosophy
Munich, Germany
26.-29. July 2023
Alfred North Whitehead developed his process philosophy with an explicit reliance on the value of the history of philosophy. While the trend of recent years has often suggested that different approaches to philosophical problems can be adequately categorized, using the dichotomy of purely systematic or purely historical interests, Whitehead offers an equally historically informed and systematically intended perspective.
This conference is dedicated to the philosophical-historical dimension in Whitehead’s oeuvre on the one hand and to its systematic relevance for numerous areas of research on the other hand.
Interested scholars are cordially invited to submit an abstract of no more than 400 words. The deadline is the 1st of April, 2023!
DEADLINE POSTPONED to 14 TH APRIL!. More information can be found here.
The conference is organised by the Deutsche Whitehead Gesellschaft and the Munich School of Philosophy.